The Melodians were invited to play at the High Commissioner’s Banquet in the Guildhall on the 13th September. Here are a few photos from the event.

The Melodians were invited to play at the High Commissioner’s Banquet in the Guildhall on the 13th September. Here are a few photos from the event.
A few photos taken while we were waiting for the Concert to start. As you will know it rained/drizzled a bit on the day but most of the guests still came and it all went very well. The Mayor gave her speech after the event and also posted her thank you on Twitter. The video of the concert will be posted once it is available. Thanks to Alexandra Hardy and her husband who also came.
And a few photos from the concert. The Melodians were protected from the weather in ‘The Shed’.
The invitations have now been sent out for those invited to our Summer Concert on 19th June. We hope that there are no sudden changes to Covid Restrictions and this event can go ahead.
As part of the concert we will be performing a new piece of music called ‘Recovery Rhythm’ which was composed to highlight the effect that Covid 19 has had on our lives over the past year.
We will also have a surprise guest performer – the Calypsonian D’Alberto – to add a bit of extra interest for everyone.
Apologies but due to Social Distancing requirements the number of guests will be a bit smaller than usual.
The event is supported using public funding by Arts Council England.
Photo from last concert in 2019
It was rehearsal again this afternoon (see photo). We were working hard on our new ‘Recovery Rhythm’ composition which will be the highlight of our concert planned for late June this year.
We were surprised when a lady popped in from the street and said she had heard us playing and it sounded absolutely wonderful. We were delighted that she liked it so much and especially that she came in to tell us!
We don’t have her name but if you are reading this now then thank you very much.
We have found a couple more photos talking to Prince Philip after the Melodians had played.
We are all sad to hear that Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, died today. Our thoughts are with Her Majesty The Queen and the rest of the Royal Family for their loss.
We have played for the Royal Family at many events over the past 33 years and met the Duke of Edinburgh on many occasions. Each occasion stays in your memory forever.
I include a photo taken in Westminster Abbey, at the most recent event where we played for the Duke of Edinburgh. As you can see he was very interested in the logo on Terry Noel’s Polo Shirt and Terry had to explain it is the Melodians Steel Orchestra’s logo.
To all our supporters, I just wanted to let you all know that due to the latest lockdown we are no longer able to rehearse at Henry Cavendish School. That means that we cannot finish preparing for the Christmas Concert and, very reluctantly, have to cancel it. We are devastated as we have been working very hard towards this but the lockdown comes at just the wrong time for us.
Instead we plan on returning to rehearsals after Christmas and prepare for an Easter Concert. Hopefully, everything will be better by then and we can complete our rehearsals. Many apologies to those who were planning on coming to the Christmas Concert.
In case you would like to listen to one of our previous recordings I include a recording from our 30th Anniversary for you to play. This is Tropical Monsoon.
We recently submitted our entries for the Making Music Awards 2020. The final results will be published as part of an online celebratory evening of musical creativity on Tuesday 8 September between 7.15 and 8.10pm. This is open to the public to view.
However, we can tell you that we submitted 2 items:
1. A new piece of music called Señor Panman and composed by Errol Lewis of Trinidad for the MelodiansUK was submitted for “Best Music Creator”. You can see our performance of the tune at Art Night 2019 on YouTube here
2. A photo “capturing the spirit of a leisure-time music group” The photo that we chose was taken at the Commonwealth Family Day at Westminster Abbey
We don’t yet know the results ourselves, however, we do know that Señor Panman by Errol Lewis was given a Special Mention by the panel but is not in the top three.
However, we are very excited to have been told that the photo above is in the final 3 and we will be watching the event on-line to see the result.
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